Saturday, April 07, 2007

Just an interesting creature department:

You know those little grey or brown rolly bugs that Mom used to call "Potato Bugs" but really were something else? They rolled up into a little ball when they were hassled?
They apparently are in the "isopod" family biologically, (word origin: equal foot?) and low and behold some of their scary 2000 leagues (ft?) under the sea cousins have been found.
" Here is the giant isopod, known scientifically as Bathynomus giganteus,

is the largest known member of the isopod family. It is very closely related to the small pillbugs that you can find in the garden. It is a carnivorous crustacean that spends its time scavenging the deep ocean floor. Food is extremely scarce at these great depths, so the isopod has adapted to eat what ever happens to fall to the ocean floor from above. It will also feed on some of the small invertebrates that live at these depths. Giant isopods are known to reach a size of over 16 inches in length and are one of the largest members of the crustacean family. These animals are very prehistoric in appearance. When threatened, they can roll themselves into a tight ball where they are protected by their strong, armor-plated shells. They have complex mouths that contain many components that work together to pierce, shred, and disembowel live or dead prey. Giant isopods are all over the world at depths of over 2000 feet".

I am quoting here from this page: OddWeek - 10 Horrible Deep See Creatures


PDQ said...

I'm kind of glad to say that the photos are not showing up. But I imagine the giant isopod looks somewhat similar to the common dustmite, when under a microscope!


R.G.B. said...

Again Leah alerts me to nonsense going on at Blogger. My images were still in the html code of the post, and had showed up when I uploaded them, but they somehow disappeared. I uploaded them again, so we will see. In fairness, I am mooching off blogger for this blog and the images. When I hosted it on my own domain, it was starting to cost me money due to the traffic, so I moved it to their free hosting, and have had minimal problems. I wonder how massive their traffic and bandwidth is with all of the bloggers and the images?

Anonymous said...

I like your new "skin".
