Henry Filmore Arrangements
Here are all 15 titles: Miss Trombone - A Slippery Rag Teddy Trombone - A Brother to Miss Trombone. Lassus Trombone - De Cullud Valet to Miss Trombone Pahson Trombone - Lassus Trombone's "Ole Man" Sally Trombone - Pahson Trombone's Eldest Gal. Some Crow Slim Trombone - Sally Trombone's City Cousin - The Jazzin' One Step Kid Mose Trombone - He's Slim Trombone's Buddy Shoutin' Liza Trombone - One Step - Mose Trombone's Ah-finity "Hot" Trombone - He's Jes a fren'ob Shoutin' Liza Trombone Bones Trombone - He's jus' as warm as Hot Trombone Dusty Trombone - March or One Step - He's de next door Neighbor to Bones Trombone Bull Trombone - A Cullud Toreador - March and One Step Lucky Trombone - He's de thirteenth member ov de fambly - March Ham Trombone - A Cullud Bahbaque - Novelty March Boss Trombone - He's De Head Man - Novelty March Here is a simple arrangement of Lassus in Real Audio© from a publisher. |
Fillmore had a lot of fun with his music, but he was also well known fora series of instruction books he published, and many many other works. However, as I said above, he never settled for the ordinary. He reportedly married an exotic dancer. |