Thursday, April 01, 2004

Low-tech solution

I solved a problem that had been annoying, but I just ignored for years. That pesky CAPS LOCK key that is so close to the shift key that I LOOK UP AND FIND . . .oops thats how it happens. My fat finger taps it. I actually am a pretty adept but self-taught keyboard user, but I often look at my fingers especially when typing fast , so when I finally look at the screen, I find the reversed case mess! How many time has that happened! Arrrghhhh. I remember now that I think about it that years ago I had solved it with a utility that made the caps lock beep high and low for a warning. That didn't follow me with new operating systems, etc. I was reading about a utility that disabled the caps key, and I almost downloaded it, but got a better idea! I NEVER EVER need the caps key actually, so why have it? Here was my low tech solution: