Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Latest Chemotherapy News

Well, Friday's CAT scan showed that the tumor had been reduced to less than half size, said the Docs. That means that the formula they were using for chemo is right, they think, so they are forging ahead with it. I had the start of the forth session yesterday, and am taking the oral 5 days at home. I also have to give myself the shots each day to improve white and red blood cell count.

I do feel I jumped up a level in my feel-good factor, and even went to play in the sphinx band last night, but I am still taking morphine to keep down the pain, and all those pills(!) so who knows what I really feel like underneath?
Here are pics from yesterday. Note the tube that goes from that pump on the left into my implanted port in my chest. My new hair-doo is a beauty. And the doctor's order for the Chemo drugs.