Saturday, November 05, 2005

Understandable history experience

This is a wonderful resource for historical American graphics, sounds, politcal images,
maps and charts, all kinds of sensory riches, all in date categories. I have to show a few
favorites from The Authentic History Center web site:

I actually have this "K-K-K-Katy" sheet music cover.

This navy poster may show the role of women
has changed, but at least they weren't ashamed
to use the subjunctive.

And good ol' Charles Atlas
inspiring the 90 pound

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Eight Inch Floppy

This might be a cheesy post, but I just ran across an old 8" Floppy in my file cabinet, qualifying for the dead media award of the week. You can see from the holes that I stick-pinned it to a couple of bulletin boards along the way, but it once had data on it as I recall. Which machine, what format, what language, is lost to the ages. Notice the hole in the lower left, which was usually covered with tape for write enable. Later (but also dead?) 3.5 floppies reversed that, and closed the hole for protect. Also notice the index hole to the right of the spindle hole that was to keep track of the hard sector boundaries. Double sided, double density! Probably held ~200-300K?