Thursday, June 23, 2005

Oh, NO, The Supreme Court let us down!

Justices: Homes may be 'taken' for local projects
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses - even against their will - for privately owned economic development projects.
I guess the justices did not read my plain and simple plea in my blog back in march,
They have ruled against a free country and for a communist system ignoring the rights of the ordinary citizen. It's enough to turn me into a Democrat!

So now Big Brother, 1984 can take your private property not for public use, but steal it for sombody else's gain???? !!!!!
"Mr. & Mrs. Doe, your house that you own, and have lived in for 25 years shouldn't be there, Ajax developers say they can make a fortune and a very attractive and profitable Mall there, so GET OUT NOW!"
How does this square with our consitution and our legacy?? I can't wait to read the opinion. Red Commie rats! ( I don't know why this upsets me so much!)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Sky is Falling

I cringed at this news item:

Rescued Utah boy had hid from searchers
The 11-year-old boy lost for four days in the Utah mountains might have been found sooner had it not been for the fact that he was taught to stay away from strangers, his uncle and a sheriff told NBC News on Wednesday.
I'm sure we all have wondered if the negative aspects of teaching a generation of kids to stay away from strangers would come back to bite us. Certainly I have read that the hysteria about kids being abducted is not statistically supported. The chance of abduction has always been a miniscule risk compared to most anything. I know the emotion of a parent not wanting to have their child hurt, but ironically, I think kids are also hurt by fearing to smile or wave at people, or as in this case, be afraid to be rescued.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Kuni Watch

Just browsed on the web to notice that Japan has given almost 7 million dollars' worth of fire engines to Egypt, and of course our friend Kunihiko Makita was in the middle of it.

Amazing and gratifying that Japan is such a friendly and generous country in
the modern world.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Worn out words

I know T.V. is a time waster, and I know Seinfield is ancient history, But from time to time I think of the episode that included Jerry and his wise guy reaction to a rental car non-reservation.

Seinfeld. I made a reservation for a midsize,. . . .
Clerk: We have no midsize available at the moment.
Seinfeld: I made a reservation. Do you have my reservation?
Clerk: Yes. Unfortunately we ran out of cars.
Seinfeld: But the reservation keeps the car here. That's why you have the reservation.
Clerk: I know why we have reservations.
Seinfeld: I don't think you do. If you did, I'd have a car. You know how to take the reservation, you just don't know how to hold the reservation.
And that's really the most important part of the reservation-- the holding. Anybody can just take them.

So many words have lost their meaning Either through overuse, dishonesty, or ignorance. They need to be explained to the user like Seinfeld did: Do you really think there is a SALE when they put up a sign that says so? Everything is on sale.

There has been a "Deaf Child - Caution" sign down the street here, looks like it's been there for for twenty years. I haven't talked to anyone who remembers who the child was it was protecting. But of course nobody in the neighborhood would think to take it down, hoping it might slow the traffic. The town has forgotten it, I'm sure, and the speeding cars don't really pay any mind to it anyhow, having seen the Seinfeld episode, so it will probably be there many more useless years.

PS: Did you know you can Goooogle any TV show, including the dialog, since Big Daddy Google even looks at the closed captions and presents you even with thumbnails from a search: Go to and search, or type something like this right into your browser: no soup for you