Well, Meredith did it. I was blown away by a post of hers. Crepuscular Garden This one was a gentle story, told is such a way to seem like she was whispering it in my ear. What a concept! Your experience is to absorb and observe and participate to the maximum of your awareness at the time. But night turns silently into day in a secret process each day, whether you are there to take it in or not.
In a way, it is the proof to the age old debate about the tree in the forest on the desert island. Of course the scene is played out . . . at the dawn and in the forest. . It may be played in slo-mo due to your perception of it, or with the backdrop of your sighs or gasps, or all by itself in a natural process, getting along just fine without you, thanks.
I have additional thoughts of her use of the word crepuscular. This takes me back to high school to a friend who was my close friend but nobody knew how deep it went (but that's another story) . Mike had just come back from a special summer science program in Texas, showing me a bunch of fossils he had found there, and telling me all about his great time. I don't know why it stuck with me, but he told me that he had learned this new word crepuscular, that he told me, or I interpreted what he told me to be the look of the sun's rays bursting through the clouds - it was like that in the sky that day - sort of like the Sunday school books showed when god was beaming from the clouds. Years after, I looked up the word, but never found that meaning listed, so I had sort of thought I had remembered it wrong for all that time. But today, when I looked it up from Merry's post, I dug further. Crepuscular itself means 1. of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct. 2. Zool.appearing or active in the twilight, as certain bats and insects. But . . . crepuscular RAY was listed as "a twilight ray of sunlight shining through breaks in high clouds and illuminating dust particles in the air". Wow,1963 revisited.
I have to finish the Mike story - hey this is my blog - I can go on an on and on if I want to. Mike was Michael Pridgeon, my classmate who killed himself in a shocking way during senior year. As I said before, I was his close friend, but in a cruel twist of society nonsense, nobody seemed to care or know about that. I was mainly a loner. Mike was basketball star, class president, scholar, in the "in crowd" dated who he pleased, all that crap that evidently didn't matter to him in the end. We had been at the football game the night before, had been in the Marching Band, and we had some disturbing conversations that I can't go into. We talked about doing some harmless mischief, the worst of which was we almost got on the bus to the other school, Victor or somewhere - we didn't care where. We were very close to doing it, even though we would have been in trouble, and the adventure seemed a tempting thing. I kicked myself for not letting him talk me into it, because he shot himself the next morning. Of course I had no idea he would do anything like that, it was not even on my radar screen, as they say, but in retrospect, I know that he was desperate and unhappy, and knew things that would be at least interesting to his parents. Did anyone ask me if I knew anything about Mike? No. Did I even get invited to the funeral? As an afterthought. His big basketball buddies and self-appointed friends all were anointed as pall bearers and all that, and I was in the shadows. Please don't take this as a jealous or self-pity thing. I was then, and am now actually proud of my independence and separation from the mainstream, and it helped my character to be less dependent on the whims of others. But it is a strange thing how things play out, and you can't help but wonder about things that might have been.
Saturday, May 18, 2002
Thursday, May 16, 2002
This may not be ready for prime time, but it's strange what goes into these peaches.
Posted by
Thursday, May 16, 2002
Monday, May 13, 2002
If you want to gasp and ooooh and aahhh and cry, check out this image from space at night.
Click here for: Who left the lights on?
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Monday, May 13, 2002
Both of my sisters have started posting on blogs. This is such a neat way to add to our communications. I guess it is a better forum to have open thinking since we are thinking of putting thoughts "out there", not to a specific person. I find it more natural to put posts of interesting stuff, rather than just a text message, but I am trying to do both, and I hope I don't run out of ideas.
I have always thought and observed that people have more ideas and creativity in them than they think they have. Or a better way to say it is that if an ordinary person is put into a think-tank mode, or is challenged by someone else to come up with something, they will do extraordinary things. The creative spot in the brain probably needs a goose every now and then. I suppose really creative people have that switch turned on by default.
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Monday, May 13, 2002
Sunday, May 12, 2002
Here's something that makes me laugh, but I don't know why.
I saw these mentioned on Conan's ( O'brien) show. These are REAL figurines, about the size of GI Joe or something, with Jesus helping kids at sports. There is Jesus Baseball, Jesus Soccer, Jesus Football, basketball, Ballet, Golf, Martial Arts, Hockey, Track, Biking/Rollerblading, Gymnastics, & Skiing. Conan's writers had actually made fake new ones. Now I am sure the intentions of these are fine, but Jesus! The site: http://www.catholicshopper.com/products/inspirational_sport_statues.html
By the way, I saw some old clips of Johnnie Carson the other day, at the award show he refused to do, and remembered how great he was. How did a guy like Conan make it? He would be a funny next door neighbor, but not the caliber of a Carson.
Pun alert, pun alert!
They were sorry the human cannonball at the circus quit because they couldn't find another man of his caliber. (or calibre for you Canadians and British)
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Sunday, May 12, 2002