Saturday, May 28, 2005

My Firefox Update

Just a post to say that I almost exclusively use Firefox now.

I love the tabbed browsing. I thought it might have been mainly because of my slower dialup access, but now that I have DSL, it hasn't changed. A browser without tabs would be a BIG step backward.

Especially when reading blogs, there are often several links I might want to go to, but if I go to them when I see them, it is a diversion, and I may never get back to the original or finish the current thought. Instead, I right click on each link, sending it to a new tab, and they are ready, loaded and available when I am ready to jump.

As far as the RSS, I have tried quite a few aggregators, and felt that it was the way to go, because you can scan all the headers for you selected sites and go to those that interest you without wasting time loading up each site. Firefox has made this the EASIEST yet with "live bookmarks" I put my favorites in a pull down menu in the top bar, and can peek at these, and since they are dynamic, I can always see the latest things.

Because of the open source, the programmers have been having fun adding little extension and add-ons that keep improving the environment, like the googlebar lite, with all of the goodies except page rank.

When I go to Microsoft's own site it's best to use IE, apparently because they use a lot of 'Active X' that is not supported in Firefox for security reasons.