Wednesday, December 20, 2006

God Bless America

Feeling Patriotic? God Bless America!
Just found this clip of the band I used to play in, The Farmington Valley Band. They recorded this track a couple of years back for a CD. I consider myself still a member, though I haven't been able to drive over there this past year to participate. It's on the other side of Hartford in Collinsville, about 45 minutes' drive from here. The pretty little Collinsville historically was an industrial town back in the time of the Talcottville Mill heyday, from the 1830's - 1890's but it produced Axes and implements instead of woolens and fabrics. We practiced in a building that went back to those days.

The musical arrangement includes some nice euphonium work by a friend named Chester, who is over eighty years old. You can hear it lofting above the rest. Also a strong vocal by Mark, who plays many instruments well, and sings operatic style.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great band! Very professional sound.