Tuesday, July 12, 2005


BPL technology makes sense if it turns out to be profitble to develop. Broadband over Power Lines! The wires are already there! Makes sense for rural areas, for sure. Hard to get cable or DSL out to the boonies. Turns out it is not as simple as plugging an adapter in the wall. There are distribution problems, costs of repeaters and bypasses to transformers. One architecture being tested has the final signal come in from the power pole by Wi-Fi.

It's faster than DSL and Cable, and though there is a nagging interference problem with with short wave radio signals, that could be overcome. Everybody is running tests, (IBM, ATT, Google, AOL, Yahoo, and smaller players) and there will be issues of control and distribution, but it looks like it is coming on. Broadband is really dragging its feet in getting cheap and available. I would have thought that satellites or other wireless internet would have been the next technology to get practical, but we should be used to cloudy crystal balls by now. A lite discussion of BPL here and a heavier 2004 white paper here.

Oh, by the way, I just read that AOL is going to stop its subscription service. Have to redefine themselves. But what am I going to do with the left over "free trial" discs that they sent me?


R.G.B. said...

Test comment only. to see how variables work.

PDQ said...

I was just reading yesterday about GreenDisk, which:
"offers a convenient, comprehensive set of services to help individuals and organizations reduce the expense and the environmental impact associated with obsolete technology. Specialized, convenient recycling programs are available for virtually all forms of technotrash. Each program pays particular attention to the secure, audited disposal of the intellectual property that is uniquely associated with this waste stream. With audited accountability you can be assured that your files are safe. And you can demonstrate that your materials have been disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

A convenient collection box for CDs, diskettes, DVDs, ink cartridges, cell phones, videotapes, pagers, PDAs, and all of your “byte-sized” technotrash. Collection box, postage, processing, and audit report with the Certificate of Destruction are all included for one low price."
