Thursday, June 23, 2005

Oh, NO, The Supreme Court let us down!

Justices: Homes may be 'taken' for local projects
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses - even against their will - for privately owned economic development projects.
I guess the justices did not read my plain and simple plea in my blog back in march,
They have ruled against a free country and for a communist system ignoring the rights of the ordinary citizen. It's enough to turn me into a Democrat!

So now Big Brother, 1984 can take your private property not for public use, but steal it for sombody else's gain???? !!!!!
"Mr. & Mrs. Doe, your house that you own, and have lived in for 25 years shouldn't be there, Ajax developers say they can make a fortune and a very attractive and profitable Mall there, so GET OUT NOW!"
How does this square with our consitution and our legacy?? I can't wait to read the opinion. Red Commie rats! ( I don't know why this upsets me so much!)


PDQ said...

"It's enough to turn me into a Democrat!"

OK, we'll be counting on your support in the fall.

Anonymous said...

I am not a commie,but I resent your attack on the left, as though
the capitalists are usually so protective of the common man.
Yah right!