Saturday, June 15, 2002

Roger Miller once had an album called "Sorry I Haven't Written for so Long" (or something like that), when he had been silent in songwriting for quite a few years. Well, I feel like I should say,"Sorry I haven't blogged for so long"

To make up for it, I bring you the latest hot news. I swear this came right off the AP wire! No kidding. Well, yes, kidding, but no kidding . . . oh, you know what I mean.

Saturday, June 15, 2002
Buddhist Funeral Rites Held for Ape

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - They flocked to his extravagant wedding, avidly followed his spicy love life and on Saturday came to bid farewell to Mike, Thailand's celebrity ape.

Thai fans by the hundreds arrived to take part in Buddhist funeral rites for the gentle orangutan who died Thursday at the age of 17 of complications from water in the lungs.

He is to be buried Sunday beneath his own statue in the Sa Kaew Zoo at Lopburi, 70 miles north of Bangkok, where he and his family were the star attractions for years.

``Mike has helped the province's economy a great deal. He attracted millions of baht (hundreds of thousands of dollars) and created lots of jobs for local residents. This is the best we can do for him to ensure his happy life after death,'' said Yongyuth Kitwatananuson, a local businessman who has promoted Lopburi as a haven for free-roaming monkeys.

Buddhist chants and a bathing ceremony, in which holy water is poured over the hands of the deceased, are to be held in the zoo.

Mike's wife Susu and offspring Lamyai will be present at the funeral, wearing black outfits provided by the zoo staff.

Every year, Yongyuth offers the monkeys a feast of their favorite foods laid out on tables. The event is popular with Thai and foreign tourists.

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