Friday, April 19, 2002

I tried to set this blog up in Opera 6.01, and it doesn't work. I found that Opera has a lot of things going for it, but you have to keep IE around for the incompatibilities like this. It seems a shame that MS has to have such a tight lock on things. Of course I'm not blazing the latest news here, but MS usually ends up pushing the little creative guys aside, maybe buying out one of the best, then giving theirs away, settling for the mediocre program because the incentive for competition, adding new features and one-upsmanship are gone. One of my pet examples is e-mail clients. I used to try out all sorts of them, both at home and in my role as computer administrator at a small company. There was the BAT, Pegasus, Netscape mail in the browser, geez I thought I could bring back amore names, but you get the idea. One would have a better address list, or be able to export things better, one would be good at formatting, or would ding you when you had new mail, and this competition would make everyone better. Of course this was shareware, so a lot of users wouldn't pay, but at least they had a chance of making it with a better mousetrap. Fast forward, Microsoft gives away Outlook Express with the Operating System, Bundles Outlook with business software, makes it hard for other things to work with Exchange, and stagnation sets in. Why should the others even be out there. Al monopoly questions aside, I know it is their right, and a competition driven thing to try to be the winner, and dominate, but is it really better for averageguy? There are some benefits, in the stability, the integration and the bundling, but that in my opinion is overshadowed by the lack of competition, and thereby the lack of new features and programs that the user really would have liked. Proving that this blog was actually headed somewhere, I will go back to Opera. Really a great browser. It has so many things I can do in it that beat IE and my previous champion (before they gave up), Netscape, and it's not MS. But do I think it can make a blip considering the situation? . . . RGB

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